What is Anxiety Therapy?

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Picture of Amber Kosloske

Amber Kosloske

Amber Kosloske is the owner and counselor of Convenient Colorado Counseling. With a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, a Master of Science degree in rehabilitation counseling, and 10 years of experience in the field, she has a passion for serving people who may be struggling.

Anxiety therapy is a type of psychotherapy that treats anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the United States, affecting 40 million adults. If you struggle with anxiety, you may be asking, “what is anxiety therapy?” Anxiety therapy can help you understand and manage your anxiety. It can also help you learn healthy coping skills and ways to reduce stress. If you’re considering anxiety therapy, it’s important to find a therapist who is experienced in treating anxiety disorders and who you feel comfortable with.

At Convenient Colorado Counseling, I can help you learn how to deal with your anxiety in a healthy way. As an LPC in Colorado, I offer anxiety therapy in a confidential and convenient online setting. You can schedule appointments that fit your schedule, and you don’t have to worry about taking time off work or finding childcare. My goal at Convenient Colorado Counseling is to add to your support system, teach you evidence-based therapeutic techniques, and help you find peace of mind.

a picture of a woman with her head in her hands

Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, each with its own set of symptoms. The most common anxiety disorders include:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

People with GAD worry about a lot of things, including their health, family, work, and money. They may have trouble sleeping and concentrating, and they may feel irritable or on edge due to their anxiety.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

People with SAD feel very anxious or nervous in social situations, such as meeting new people, going to parties, or speaking in front of a group. They may avoid social situations altogether.

Panic Disorder

People with panic disorder experience sudden and intense episodes of fear called panic attacks. They may have physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, or chest pain.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

People with OCD have persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or engage in repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to try to relieve their anxiety.


A phobia is a strong fear of an object or situation. People with phobias may avoid the thing they’re afraid of or go to great lengths to avoid it.

a picture of a woman talking to a therapist

Common Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders can cause a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. Common symptoms of anxiety include:

Physical Symptoms

  • Heart palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sweating

Emotional Symptoms

  • Feelings of panic, fear, or unease
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Restlessness

How to Manage Anxiety Symptoms

If you’re struggling with anxiety, there are things you can do to manage your symptoms. Some helpful tips include:

  1. Identify healthy coping mechanisms and stick to them. This might include exercise, journaling, or deep breathing exercises.
  2. Avoid alcohol and drugs, which can worsen anxiety symptoms.
  3. Challenge negative thoughts by asking yourself whether they’re true and what evidence you have to support them.
  4. Talk to a therapist or counselor who can help you understand your anxiety and develop healthy coping skills.

Types of Therapy for Anxiety

There are many different types of therapy for anxiety, and the best type of therapy depends on the individual and the severity of their anxiety. Some types of therapy that can be helpful for people with anxiety include:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a therapy that helps people change how they think about and respond to anxiety-provoking situations. It can help people with GAD, SAD, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is a type of CBT that helps people confront their fears in a safe and controlled environment. It can help people with various types of anxiety disorders.


Medication can be used to treat anxiety disorders, either alone or in combination with therapy. Medications that are commonly used to treat anxiety include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and beta-blockers.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a type of therapy that helps people accept their thoughts and feelings, rather than trying to control them. It can help people with various types of anxiety disorders.

Psychoanalytic Therapy

Psychoanalytic therapy is a type of therapy that emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind in anxiety and other mental health disorders. It can help people with OCD, SAD, and other anxiety disorders.

a picture of a woman staring out a window and holding a cup in her hand

What to Expect from Anxiety Therapy

If you’re considering anxiety therapy, it’s important to find a therapist who is experienced in treating anxiety disorders and who you feel comfortable with. Therapy for anxiety can be short-term or long-term, depending on the individual’s needs. During therapy, you will work with your therapist to identify your goals and create a treatment plan.

How Therapy Can Help Anxiety Disorders

If you’re struggling with an anxiety disorder, therapy can help. Therapy can provide you with tools to manage your anxiety and live a more fulfilling life. It can also help you understand the root causes of your anxiety and how to effectively deal with feelings of fear, panic, and worry.

Convenient Colorado Counseling Can Help with Anxiety Therapy Services

Anxiety disorders are common, but they’re also treatable. If you’re struggling with anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Therapy can provide you with the tools you need to manage your anxiety and live a happier life. If you’re looking for anxiety therapy in a convenient and confidential online setting, look no further than Convenient Colorado Counseling. I offer evidence-based therapeutic techniques in a safe and supportive environment. Contact me today to schedule a free initial consultation — I look forward to helping you find peace of mind!


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