Basic Sleep Hygiene

We all need restful sleep to fuel our brain with the chemicals it needs to function well. Without restful REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle sleep we don't quite feel like ourselves. We may feel moody, short-tempered, exhausted, and frustrated if we consistently do not get GOOD sleep. I am emphasizing good sleep because not all sleep is created equal.  When we are not getting REM cycle sleep this leads to sleep deprivation and nobody wants that! So, let's talk about some basic sleep hygiene steps you can easily integrate into your bedtime routine. 
a picture of a woman sleeping with the blog title that reads, "basic sleep hygiene"
Picture of Amber Kosloske

Amber Kosloske

Amber Kosloske is the owner and counselor of Convenient Colorado Counseling. With a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, a Master of Science degree in rehabilitation counseling, and 10 years of experience in the field, she has a passion for serving people who may be struggling.

We all need restful sleep to fuel our brain with the chemicals it needs to function well. Without restful REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle sleep we don’t quite feel like ourselves. We may feel moody, short-tempered, exhausted, and frustrated if we consistently do not get GOOD sleep. I am emphasizing good sleep because not all sleep is created equal.  When we are not getting REM cycle sleep this leads to sleep deprivation and nobody wants that! So, let’s talk about some basic sleep hygiene steps you can easily integrate into your bedtime routine. 

You heard me right…bedtime ROUTINE! First and foremost a bedtime routine is crucial for preparing your brain and body for sleep. Many of us hate the word routine because it sounds rigid, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be as simple as turning off your screens at a certain time of night, washing your face, brushing your teeth, putting on your cozy pjs, and setting a date with your bed at the same time each night. If you think about it for a moment I bet you already have at least a partial routine set. 

But wait! Good sleep hygiene starts much earlier in your day than when it’s time to snuggle into your sheets. If you are like me naps are tempting when I have some spare moments in my day. If you are going to take a nap limit it to no more than 30-minutes and avoid taking them late in the day. This will affect your ability to fall asleep at night when you made that date with your bed. 😉 

Maybe you decide that you cannot limit your naps to 30-minutes so you are going to load up on some afternoon caffeine. Pay attention to how caffeine affects your sleep later on. Many of us need to stop drinking caffeine by 3:00PM or sooner for it not to interfere with our night time sleep. 

Eating too much, too little, or consuming stimulants before bed also plays a role in sleep. Having an upset stomach can keep us tossing and turning preventing us from sleep. Try eating a few hours before you plan to go to bed. This gives your system time to digest food. 

So we have limited our naps, drank our soda pop at 12:00PM, ate 2-hours before bed, did our nightly routine and we are in bed still awake! It happens don’t get frustrated. Look around and see if you have created a sleep friendly room. Is it dark, cool, quiet (depending on your sleep style), does it smell pleasant? 

Maybe your room is ideal but you are worrying about something. Practice some stress management (an article to come). If after 30-minutes you are not able to sleep get up for 30-minutes and do something else. Try not to turn on a screen but do something that is encouraging your body to wind down (i.e. read a book, listen to jazz music, drink a hot cup of tea, yoga, etc.). 

-Amber Kosloske, MS, LPCC




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