online trauma therapy

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. It can be something that happens to us or something we witness. Every day, people experience all sorts of traumas, from being in a car accident to dealing with abuse. When we do not process the trauma, it can interfere with our ability to function day-to-day, and its symptoms can show up physically, emotionally, and cognitively. While trauma can feel all-consuming, healing is possible. That’s where online trauma therapy comes in.

Online trauma therapy is a convenient, confidential way to get the help you need when you’re struggling to cope with a traumatic event. At Convenient Colorado Counseling, I am here to help you work through your trauma and give you the resources you need to start to heal. I will support you every step of the way on your mental health journey. Our online trauma therapy services give you the flexibility to get support in the comfort of your home while moving you closer to the life you want to live. 


Trauma is a physical or emotional injury that can have long-lasting effects. It can occur after a single, catastrophic event, such as a car accident or natural disaster. It can also result from exposure to multiple stressful or harmful events, such as abuse, neglect, or violence.

While everyone responds to trauma differently, some common symptoms include intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, avoidant behavior, and feeling numb or detached from others. If you experience these symptoms, it’s crucial to talk with a licensed professional who can help you process the trauma and give you coping strategies for dealing with distressing thoughts and feelings.


Trauma is a response to a disturbing event. It can be physical, emotional, or psychological. Trauma can cause feelings of fear, helplessness, and isolation. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and sleep disturbances. There are four main types of trauma: single-incident trauma, complex trauma, vicarious trauma, and developmental trauma. 

  • Single-incident trauma is caused by a one-time event, such as a car accident or natural disaster.
  • Complex trauma is caused by exposure to multiple traumatic events, such as domestic violence or childhood abuse.
  • Vicarious trauma is exposure to another person’s trauma, such as witnessing a violent act.
  • Developmental trauma is caused by early life experiences that disrupt the normal development of the brain and nervous system.
The image shows a man sitting on his couch with his computer on his lap and he's having a session with his online counselor.

symptoms of trauma

Many people experience trauma at some point in their lives, but not everyone experiences the same symptoms. For some people, the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event may be marked by shock and numbing. They may feel disconnected from their surroundings and have difficulty processing what has happened. Other common symptoms include intrusive thoughts and flashbacks, avoidance of triggers, feeling on edge or easily startled, and difficulty sleeping. However, these are just a few of the potential symptoms — everyone responds to trauma in their own way.


Trauma can cause a wide range of physical symptoms. As always, it’s essential to work with your doctor to monitor your physical health if you experience these symptoms of trauma. These may include: 

  • Headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Poor concentration
  • Racing heart
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hyperventilation
  • Feeling physically tense or unable to relax
  • Digestive problems, such as nausea, change in appetite, and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Body aches
  • Difficulty sleeping


Physical symptoms of trauma are also often accompanied by emotional symptoms. These include:

    • Feeling numb or disconnected
    • Unable to express your feelings
    • Difficulty trusting people
    • Feeling constantly on edge
    • Becoming easily angered or aggravated
    • Depression
    • Intrusive thoughts
    • Nightmares or flashbacks
    • Withdrawing from others
    • Guilt or shame
    • Memory loss


It’s tough to deal with trauma. It can feel like it’s taking over your life and you don’t know how to make it stop. You might feel like you’re alone and that no one could possibly understand what you’re going through. But there is help available. 

Convenient Colorado Counseling offers online counseling services that can help you work through your trauma in a safe, supportive environment. We will work together at your pace to help you heal. I will provide you with therapeutic resources to help you learn about and cope with trauma. Not to mention, I am here to listen and support you during this journey. With online therapy sessions from Convenient Colorado Counseling, you will receive non-judgemental mental health support so you can live your best life.

Two hands reaching out for each other.


If you haven’t been to therapy before, or if it’s just been a while, it can be nerve-racking. Especially if you don’t know what to expect. My goal at Convenient Colorado Counseling is to make going to therapy accessible and comfortable. To help you prepare for your online therapy session, here are some frequently asked questions about online trauma therapy:

Online trauma therapy is a type of counseling that is conducted over video chat. It can be an effective way to receive trauma treatment, as it allows you to access counseling from the comfort of your own home.

Online therapy can be beneficial for anyone who has experienced a traumatic event, including survivors of abuse, sexual assault, or natural disasters. It can also be helpful for people who are struggling with PTSD or other mental health conditions related to trauma.

The goal of therapy is to help you process your trauma and develop healthy coping mechanisms. With the help of a licensed counselor, therapy is a safe time for you to explore your thoughts and emotions.

If you are struggling to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event, online trauma therapy may be a good option for you. We specialize in this type of therapy, and it can help you work through your emotions and develop healthy coping strategies. If you are unsure if online trauma therapy is right for you, talking to your doctor or another mental health professional can help you make the decision.

Online therapy can be a convenient and affordable option for people who might not otherwise have access to mental health services. It can also offer more flexibility in scheduling appointments.

Yes, online therapy is confidential. We ensure that your sessions are private and secure.

Many insurance plans cover at least some portion of trauma therapy costs. It is important to check with your insurance provider to find out what your coverage includes.

Only you can decide if you are ready to start therapy. If you are ready to begin healing, Convenient Colorado Counseling is here to support you every step of the way.


Many people who have experienced trauma may feel disconnected or alone. They may struggle to trust others and have trouble controlling their emotions. This can make everyday activities like going to work or taking care of a family very difficult. Online trauma therapy services can be a convenient way to get the help you need. You can schedule sessions around your busy life and connect with a therapist from the comfort of your own home. 

Convenient Colorado Counseling offers online trauma therapy services that are safe, confidential, and affordable. My mission is to provide you with evidence-based counseling where we come up with a plan to create the life you want for yourself. I am here to provide you with judgment-free counseling, mental health resources, and advocacy. If you are ready to get started, contact Convenient Colorado Counseling today to learn more about how online therapy can help you heal from your traumatic experience.