How to Calm Yourself Down After A Panic Attack

a picture of two women talking with the blog caption that reads, "how to calm yourself down after a panic attack"
Picture of Amber Kosloske

Amber Kosloske

Amber Kosloske is the owner and counselor of Convenient Colorado Counseling. With a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, a Master of Science degree in rehabilitation counseling, and 10 years of experience in the field, she has a passion for serving people who may be struggling.

Panic attacks can be incredibly frightening and debilitating. If you’ve ever experienced one, you know just how disruptive they can be to your life. You may be wondering how to calm yourself down after a panic attack. With a little bit of practice, you can start to get your anxiety under control.

At Convenient Colorado Counseling, I am a licensed professional counselor in Colorado who specializes in anxiety. I have helped many people learn how to control their panic attacks and live normal, productive lives. My online anxiety therapy sessions are convenient and effective. I will work with you to teach you the skills you need to manage your anxiety and panic long-term at Convenient Colorado Counseling.

Keep reading to learn the best tips on how to calm yourself down after a panic attack.

a woman who looks upset and holding her hand to her face

What is a Panic Attack and What Does One Feel Like?

A panic attack is a sudden and intense feeling of fear or anxiety. It can come on very suddenly and usually peaks within 10 minutes. Panic attacks are often described as feeling like you are going to die, have a heart attack, or lose control.

Symptoms of a panic attack may include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Sensations of choking or smothering
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or abdominal pain
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or faintness
  • Chills or heat sensations
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Feelings of dissociation
a picture of a man holding his head between his hands

What to Do When a Panic Attack Happens

If you find yourself in the midst of a panic attack, there are some things you can do to help yourself calm down. It’s important to try and stay in the present moment. This can be difficult to do when you’re feeling panicked, but it’s important to focus on your surroundings and what is happening in the here and now. Grounding yourself will help you feel more in control.

Identify the signs that you’re having a panic attack.

Panic attacks can be very frightening. They are sudden, intense episodes of fear that can come on for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, these attacks can be very confusing, which can make them even more terrifying. However, there are some common signs that you’re having a panic attack.

These include rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, and feeling dizzy or lightheaded. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to try to stay calm. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that the attack will eventually pass. If you’re finding it hard to stay calm, try focusing on your breath and counting slowly to ten. This can help to ground you and ease your anxiety. Panic attacks can be very debilitating, but understanding the signs can help you to better manage them.

Take some deep breaths and focus on your breathing.

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, one of the best things you can do is to take a few deep breaths and focus on your breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths helps to oxygenate your blood and relax your body. It’s also a great way to focus your attention on the present moment and calm your mind.

If you’re not sure how to get started, there are plenty of resources available online. Once you find a method that works for you, make a point to practice it on a regular basis. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to use deep breathing to reduce stress and anxiety whenever you need it.

a picture of a woman deep breathing

Remind yourself that the attack will eventually end.

When you’re having a panic attack, it can feel like the world is ending. Your heart races, you can’t breathe, and you might even feel like you’re going to pass out. It’s normal to feel panicked in this situation — after all, your body is responding to a perceived threat. However, it’s important to remember that the attack will eventually end. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help yourself relax. Deep breathing exercises can help to slow your heart rate and clear your head. You might also find it helpful to do visualization techniques or relaxation exercises. Remember, the attack will eventually end, and you will be able to resume your normal activities.

Distract yourself with something else — watch TV, read a book, or talk to a friend.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be helpful to distract yourself with something else. Watching television, reading a book, or talking to a friend can all help to take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress. It’s important to remember, however, that distractions are only temporary solutions. If you’re constantly relying on them to cope with your stress, it may be time to seek out some more long-term solutions. Talking to a therapist can help you learn how to better manage your stress. They can also provide you with tools and strategies for dealing with difficult situations. If you’re struggling to cope with stress, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

a picture of two people talking

Seek professional help if the attacks are happening frequently or are causing significant distress.

Suffering from panic attacks can be a very frightening and distressing experience. If you find yourself having panic attacks on a regular basis, it is important to seek professional help. A qualified therapist can work with you to identify the root cause of your anxiety and develop coping strategies. In some cases, medication may also be recommended. Remember, you are not alone and help is available. With the right treatment, you can learn to control your panic attacks and live a full and healthy life.

What to Do After a Panic Attack

Once the attack has passed, there are a few things you can do to help yourself feel better. First, it’s important to try to relax. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that the attack will eventually pass. If you’re finding it hard to stay calm, try focusing on your breath and counting slowly to ten.

Once you’re feeling more relaxed, you can try to identify what might have triggered the attack. This can be helpful in preventing future attacks. If you’re not sure what triggered the attack, don’t worry — it’s often difficult to identify the exact cause. Once you’ve identified any triggers, avoid them if possible, or develop a plan for how to deal with them if you can’t avoid them.

Finally, it’s important to talk to someone about what you’re going through. Talking to a friend, family member, therapist, or doctor can help you feel better and provide you with support. If you’re struggling to cope with panic attacks, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Remember, you are not alone.

a picture of a woman talking to a therapist

Manage Anxiety and Panic Attacks with Convenient Colorado Counseling

If you find yourself experiencing some of the above symptoms, it’s important to take some deep breaths and remind yourself that the attack will eventually end. Distracting yourself with something else can also be helpful — watching TV, reading a book, or talking to a friend. If the attacks are happening frequently or causing significant distress, it may be time to seek professional help.

Colorado Counseling offers convenient scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle. As a licensed therapist in Colorado, I am here to help you manage your anxiety and panic attacks. I look forward to helping you live a full and healthy life. I am here to provide you with tools and strategies for dealing with anxious situations. Don’t let panic attacks control your life — reach out for help today by scheduling an appointment with Convenient Colorado Counseling.


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